Modern Slavery Statement

Red Poppy (UK) Limited and all its subsidiary companies are committed to this Modern Slavery Policy and their responsibilities under The Modern Slavery Act 2015, in particular to eliminating any act of modern day slavery from within its businesses and any of their supply chains.

The Company operates diverse business interest of which CHOTTO MATTE is a member. Across our business there are relationships with external companies for the sourcing of components, services and related products, some of these relationships may be international in their operation.

As part of CHOTTO MATTE due diligence processes in to modern slavery and the trafficking of people our supplier approval process includes a review of controls carried out by the supplier. The Company is acutely aware of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking outside of the UK. Management Controls are in place and constantly reviewed.

CHOTTO MATTE will not support or have dealings with any business knowingly involved in slavery or trafficking and will ensure wherever possible that employment within any supply chain is fair, open and legal.

The Company Directors and Senior Management accept and take responsibility for ensuring this policy statement is both applied and adhered to.

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